When The Earth Is Gone (computer says so mix) EDM poem remix by ROSSI

Here’s another EDM poem remix using one of my poems by CCMixter community member ROSSI. It’s a lively house track that features my poem “When the Earth Is Gone.” I love the Creative Commons, and this is a good example why. I recorded my poem that I wrote years ago in a creative writing class, and then my track gets remixed into a house track by ROSSI. All this happened on the site ccmixter.org, and, as it was licensed under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial License, that track was also remixed on an Internet compilation of house music made on the CCMixter website, called The unofficial danceMixter compilation – vol. 4 -Techno & Trance. It is hosted for free downloading on the Internet Archive. I hope you enjoy this track.

When the Earth is Gone

When the Earth is gone
Will Technology be our Mother?

When the fields are dust
Will we suckle the breast of a machine?

When the forests are soot
Will be breathe through an iron lung?

When the lakes are acid
Will we drink from the phallus of an android?

When the sky has fallen
Will we live under a plastic dome?

When the Earth is gone
Will we birth from a PyrexTM womb?

When we are gone
Will any creatures stir?

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